
You can contact Monica in a number of ways: by using the contact details below, by clicking on the link to send an email directly or by filling in the form below. Scroll down further for a map showing the location of Gomm Road.

Monica Anthony
43 Gomm Road,
(near Canada Water station, Jubilee line and Overground)
SE16 2TY

General and appointments t: 07896 632124 or +44 (0)20 7232 2562
Click here to email Monica directly

Get in touch

I'm happy for Monica Anthony to let me know about news and offers that may be of interest to me in the future. Don't worry though, we promise we will never pass your details to 3rd parties.
Copyright © 2025 Monica Anthony  |  All Rights Reserved
Monica Anthony
43 Gomm Road
SE16 2TY

t: 07896 632124, 020 7232 2562